One of the perks of staying two blocks from the beach was being able to walk over whenever the weather was nice (which was almost every day!). Here are some (safe for work) images from the beach.
Other photo sets in this country include:
Photo Set Information:
- Date Taken: November 2013
- Camera Used: Pentax K5

Everyone was getting excited for the 2016 Olympics in Rio, including the sand sculpture artists. This one even came with a Cristo Redentor statue on top and an homage to the Rock in Rio festival.

A closeup of the Cristo Redentor sand sculpture for Rio 2016 Olympics

Copacabana Palace Hotel, one of the most famous hotels in the Rio de Janeiro area.

On Sundays, they close down half of Avenida Vieira Souto to create a pedestrian walkway.

A beautiful day at the beach in Ipanema. The sidewalk mosaic features the iconic Ipanema pattern.

Some rollerbladers on Avenida Vieira Souto.

Another shot showing the pedestrian plaza on a regularly busy street.

Four forms of transportation - a biker, a skateboarder, roller skater and a dog walker.

A girl performing an impressive front flip on a slackline between palm trees