Located in Ica, Peru, the Paracas National Reserve is a desert located along the coast full of marine life and birds. We employed a tour in a very old car that broke down twice with a driver who didn't speak English. It was quite an interesting experience. Was it worth the 4 hour bus ride from Lima? Probably not for a day trip, but no regrets!
Other photo sets in this country include:
Photo Set Information:
- Date Taken: November 2013
- Camera Used: Pentax K5

On our long bus ride through the Peruvian coast, we saw many food vendors at gas station rest stops.

A mountainside sign welcoming visitors to Pucusana.

On our way from the bus station to Paracas, our taxi had a flat tire. So our driver replaced the tire with his spare... which was actually a slightly less flat tire.

A crack in the windshield of our cab.

Desert sand and mountains as far as the eye can see.

Peruvian pelicans knowingly waiting at the back door of one of the few restaurants.

The beautiful beach view and of Paracas Bay.

We climbed one of the cliffs overlooking Paracas Bay

A whole lot of fishing boats on Paracas Bay.

The beautiful blue Paracas Bay.

A bird in the sky.

Some more fishing boats.

Walking down from the hills back to our tour guide.

A Peruvian pelican perched on a wall watching the fishermen.

A pelican getting up close and personal.

A small fishing motorboat docked.

Before this trip, I didn't realize deserts had a distinct smell.

Cliffs on Paracas Bay.

Our tour group walking back to our car.

Our glorious chariot.

More cliffs and more beach.

A van in the distance.

A sign warning us not to leave the trail.

Our final stop before heading back - walking along the flamingo trail.

Friends walking the flamingo trail.