Nicole Atkins returned to her adopted home of Brooklyn, NY for a stellar show at the Music Hall of Williamsburg. Lots of fun, great banter, and the band hung around afterwards to meet fans.
Click here if you want to watch my live video of "Maybe Tonight".

Nicole Atkins & The Black Sea starting their set with "Heavy Boots" at Music Hall of Williamsburg.

Nicole Atkins and her very talented guitarist Irina Yalkowsky.

Nicole Atkins on stage wearing her not so heavy boots

The Black Sea bassist Jeremy Kay and drummer Ezra Oklan

Nicole told us a story about how before the show, a male fan said he would put hot bacon on his "tits" to be able to see the opening band Workout. Here's Nicole looking for the fan she referred to as "Bacon Tits".

Irina Yalkowsky and Nicole Atkins playing guitars.

Black Sea bassist Jeremy Kay. I had a very brief conversation with him after the show. He was softspoken but very nice.

As always, Nicole Atkins' vocals were stellar. I'm convinced she has one of the best voices out of any current performer.

The two guitarists of Nicole Atkins & The Black Sea during an instrumental break.

Throughout the night, Nicole invited some old friends to share the stage, including former Sea keyboardist Daniel Chen and I believe Jared Samuel of Minerva Lions. There was also a woman playing the harmonium, but I'm not exactly sure who she was.

Nicole Atkins telling us a story about how the first day she started Catholic school, she was told that being a virgin was a bad thing and that people greeted each other with double middle fingers. She went around school giving people the finger and claiming she wasn't a virgin at 6 years old.

"Our hearts are singing out just for you." Nicole Atkins & The Black Sea returned for their encore with the song "Neptune City" from the album of the same name.

Ezra Oklan's drums with the Nicole Atkins & The Black Sea logo, and Nicole's Guild Starfire hollowbody (which she didn't actually use during the performance).

A closer look at the guitar pedals that Irina Yalkowsky uses on stage.