Mice Parade is one of the bands I've listened to the most ever since discovering them back in my college years. I'd been meaning to see them live, but I never had the chance. Fortunately, I caught wind of them performing as an acoustic trio right in my own backyard of Brooklyn. It was a very stripped down performance, but it was still very solid and tight. I also left with a $5 live CD and a handshake from the man himself, Adam Pierce. Highlight of the night was hearing Double Dolphins on a Dime, a song that often comes up on my shuffle.
A talented Icelandic singer took on the role of female vocals as well as playing the ukulele. Adam introduced her before the show (and she performed an intro song by herself), but I was unable to catch her name, as it was rather foreign.

Curtis Harvey opened up the night with some great acoustic folk music. A lot of storytelling songs and banjo jokes.

Curtis Harvey playing his banjo with his full acoustic band.

Adam Pierce, the mastermind behind Mice Parade (and the anagramous eponym) took to the stage with the "acoustic trio" version of the live band.

Dan Lippel played some very impressive flamenco style guitar.

Adam introduced the female vocalist/ukulele player, but her name was very Icelandic and I can't find any mentions of it online. But she was great in the live role.

The full Mice Parade acoustic trio closing out the show.