"Sabzi plus Kelsey equals MADE IN HEIGHTS."
I've been a big fan of MADE IN HEIGHTS since I heard the song "Viices" on Turntable.fm back in 2012 or so (available for streaming to the left). Since then, I've had all the tracks on their debut album on repeat, waiting for the now-California-based band (consisting of Alexei Saba and Kelsey Bulkin) to head back east. They put on a great live show, and the crowd was really into it. Though I do have to reaffirm that the lighting at Glasslands is great for dancing, but not so much for photography.

Alexei Saba (also known as Sabzi) on stage at Glasslands. Sabzi is producer/DJ of MADE IN HEIGHTS.

The other half of MADE IN HEIGHTS is Kelsey Bulkin, the voice of the band.

The band was a lot of fun to watch, breaking away from their own songs to play a few from the genre of Miami bass. An ongoing theme of theirs was not knowing what to call their own music. I would describe them indie-dream-pop-electronica.

Kelsey on stage singing. During musical breaks, the duo also dazzled us with some synchronized dance moves.

Sabzi and Kelsey played a bunch of their songs off their previous releases "APORIA: IN THESE §TREETS" and "Winter Pigeons (Songs To Raise Your Dead Spirits)".

They also played some of their newer material (available on the official MADE IN HEIGHTS SoundCloud page).

They finished their set without playing "Viices", but they performed a bunch of my other favorites, including "All The Places", "Marguerite", "Skylark Interabang", "Holla Mears", and "Pirouette".