Callers at the Music Hall of Williamsburg in Brooklyn

Opening band Callers (from Brooklyn) opened the night with a great set that brought out Jenn from Wye Oak as a guest vocalist.

Sara Lucas of Callers at Music Hall of Williamsburg

Lead singer and guitarist Sara Lucas of Callers.

Callers lead guitarist

One of Callers' three guitarists. Interestingly enough, they chose not to have a bass player.

Wye Oak at Music Hall of Williamsburg

Wye Oak took to the stage next with their sole members Andy Stack and Jenn Wasner.

Jenn Wasner's guitar pedal board on stage

A shot of Jenn Wasner's guitar effect pedal board on stage.

Jenn Wasner playing guitar on her knees in between songs, adjusting her pedals

Jenn Wasner playing guitar on her knees in between songs, adjusting her pedals

Jenn Wasner adjusting her pedals in between songs.

Another shot of Jenn Wasner adjusting her pedals in between songs.

Jenn Wasner singing and playing guitar

Jenn Wasner singing and playing her Reverend guitar.

Jenn Wasner of Wye Oak with flowers from Papa Roach

In between songs, Jenn told us the story of how she did an interview where she was forced to name her least favorite song, and she said Papa Roach's "Scars". Earlier that night, Jacoby of the band sent flowers to her backstage. Full story here.

Wye Oak drummer Andy Stack at Music Hall of Williamsburg

Drummer and synth player Andy Stack, the other half of Wye Oak.

Jenn Wasner at Music Hall of Williamsburg's colorful lights

Jenn Wasner at Music Hall of Williamsburg's colorful stage lights.

Jenn Wasner back on stage for the encore, playing

Jenn Wasner back on stage for the encore, playing "For Prayer" from the album "The Knot". You can clearly see her candle tattoo here; I used to think was an NBA championship trophy but then realized Baltimore doesn't have any teams, and also that it would be silly tattoo.